Waitukubuli National Trail: Segment 12

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Waitukubuli National Trail: Segment 12

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  5. Waitukubuli National Trail: Segment 12
Borne, Saint Andrew Parish, Begin Segment 12
Vieille Case
Penville, Saint Andrew Parish, End Segment 12

wnt-12Borne to Penville

With Morne Diablotins behind you, Segment 12 takes you through the foothills of Morne Aux Diables, to the village of Vieille Case (a filming site for "Pirates of the Caribbean 2") and on to Penville.  Sweeping views along the Atlantic coast show off Dominica's rugged beauty throughout this trek.

Attractions in Borne at the start of this segment:
Brandy Falls

Useful Information

Either in Borne or Penville - look for the blue and yellow markers which indicate the trail's location.

Site User Fees: Yes
Time Commitment (2):

7 hours
Difficult - Recommended for strong hikers who are very experienced.

Journey Distance:

9.5 km / 5.9 miles



Best time to visit:

Morning - it's a long hike!

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 792, Roseau


+ 1 767 266 3593,
+ 1 767 440 6125

Fun Facts
Look out for:

Fantastic views, Wildlife and Brandy Falls

Forest Type:

Littoral Woodland, Rainforest and Farmland


Views of the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean