Island Girl Affection

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Island Girl Affection

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  5. Island Girl Affection
Lima Ridge Savanne Paille Road, Calibishie, Dominica

Island Girl Affection is a chapbook collection of poems that showcase the author’s affection for nature, self, writing, family, and home. Poetry in it’s written form is a beautiful way in which one can view the world around. Peek into life and to find true affection of self, family, nature and to even aspire for the simple things in life.

Have you ever wished to do something but doubted yourself? Have you ever dreamt of achieving something but feared what others may say or think? Have you ever wanted to explore the Caribbean or even find a gem island? Do you have dreams and wishes you long for? Have you ever made mistakes, felt betrayed and had your trust shaken and even felt like giving up? Have you ever wondered what true contentment could be? Ever pondered on long distance love and what it could mean? Have you ever sit and try to rationalize the true meaning of Love?

If you been hurt, filled with doubts, and even been filled with hate, then just as well you can find hope and forgiveness in love. Forgiveness isn’t easy but it sure it worth it. It helps you find yourself, love again, and its helps you grow. “Forgiveness is not really a delicate feat but, to obtain self harmony, despite heartache and anger, one ought not to arose malice”.

Finding self, love and forgiveness, then you persist in life and never give up for giving up will only hurt you again no matter what the obstacle may be. Finding love, self and the strength to forgive, one can find true joy and peace within them, others and home.

There’s so many types of love in life which we encounter daily, but we most times are too busy to understand it all. Family love, self love, romantic love, all comes from within and from the most high.

Island Girl affection is very small collection of poems. Each poem was written with pride and with deep affection. They were also chosen to be part of this book to impress the reader to dream, explore their thoughts and self and to find what’s their very own affection.

Mailing Address:

Lima Ridge Savanne Paille
Calibishie, St. Andrews
Commonwealth of Dominica

